Are you road tripping with your cat? Come prepared with the essentials!
Many people leave their cats at home when they go on vacation; cats don’t like a changing environment, even if it’s just moving their litter box to a different corner. That doesn’t mean that traveling with your cat and having fun is impossible, though! Road tripping with your cat is smooth sailing with these tips! Remember, patience is key.
Prepare in Advance
Help your cat adjust to the upcoming change in supplies and scenery by letting your cat get used to travel items like the harness and leash, travel litter box, travel food bowls, and cat carrier. Let your cat find a carrier or cat backpack that it likes and don’t force it to adjust. Take your cat on shorter car trips to help it get used to the travel, and find cat-friendly places to stay.
Visit the Vet
It’s safe to visit the vet before going on the trip. It will ensure that your pet is in good health and fit to travel. Your vet can also give advice and prescribe medicine to help your cat along its journey. For example, if your cat is prone to car sickness, your vet can supply you with a great solution.
Bring All Necessary Supplies
Necessary supplies to bring with you when road tripping with your cat are the following:
- All physical paperwork in one waterproof zipped folder
- Cat identification collar (cat should be wearing it)
- Cat food and water
- Cat travel feeding bowls
- Cat grooming tools (dental, coat, nails)
- Cat travel litter box, its regular litter, and related supplies
- Cat carrier, backpack, or both
- Cat’s favorite blanket in its carrier
- Anxiety medication, if applicable
- Cat harness and leash
- Favorite toys
Secure Cat Carrier in the Car
Make sure the cat carrier is not loose in the car. Secure it with a seatbelt if on a seat, or pack other items around it so it does not move easily (without suffocating your cat.) Do not place it in the direct line of the air conditioner or heater.
Plan for Stops
You might be able to drive for seven hours straight, but your cat probably can’t ride for seven hours straight. Plan to stop occasionally to let your cat stretch and run around on its leash. If your cat cannot use the litter box while on the road, let it eat and use the litter box shortly afterward at the rest stop.
Even if your cat has trouble getting used to things at first, do not be impatient or disheartened! Your cat can come around to traveling in its own time! If your cat is ready to road trip with you, have fun!
Trust the Care of Your Pet to the Professionals at Everhart Veterinary Medicine!
At Everhart Veterinary Medicine, our veterinary professionals strive to provide your pet with the very best of veterinary care. We believe that the best care for your pet should be provided by experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable veterinary professionals. With three Maryland locations in Baltimore, Pasadena, and Cross Keys, we are always ready to welcome your pet as a new patient! Give us a call today at 410-355-3131, 410-793-7670, or 443-470-6790! For more information, as well as updates on veterinary news and topics, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!