Changing up your routine makes life more interesting, including dog walking!
Whether it’s spring, summer, fall, or winter, walking your dog is a great way to get exercise and exercise your dog. It adds health to both of your lives. Unfortunately, not everyone gets out to walk their dog every day, let alone twice a day. The weather or a general lack of motivation can quickly kill the ability to get outside. How can you make walking your dog more fun? There are plenty of ways to make every walk an adventure!
Change the Pace
Doing the same thing every time and every day is monotonous. Vary different things about your walk, like the pace. You might go from a stroll to a brisk jaunt to a jog. Some days might be a walk and other days a run. You could change it up while you walk as well.
Change the Route
The same scenery can get old. Expand your borders by going on more extensive walks, and explore territories you don’t usually traverse. The change could be as simple as going the opposite way around the block instead of the same way.
If your dog gets into fights when it meets another dog or certain dogs, it is best to keep your distance. Otherwise, it doesn’t hurt to let your dog say hello to other people and animals along the way. You could also invite a friend to join you on the walk and mix up the company.
Stop & Slow Down
Sometimes we get so busy that we fail to get away from the screen, stop our busy thoughts, and take a moment to rest. A walk could be a time to take it easy and let your dog sniff the surroundings rather than a chore to get out of the way. Letting your dog stop and sniff provides much-needed mental stimulation.
Include Games & Training
Have fun with small games and obedience training along the way. Train your dog to sit or keep its attention on you rather than jump and bark at people, or throw a few dog treats in the grass for your pet to scavenge.
Visit a Park
You don’t have to stay in one area to get exercise. If you can find a penned area other than your backyard, like a dog park, give your dog free rein to run as it pleases. It’s a great opportunity to play games with your pet like frisbee and fetch.
Set Goals
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to make walking your dog more fun. Once you have met your walking goals for the week or month, you can reward yourself and your pet with a fun, at-home activity.
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