Our vets do their best to help your pets and are thankful for your support over the years.
Visiting the veterinarian is more than just dropping your pet off for a health checkup. It is fostering a relationship based on concern for what’s best for your pet’s health. There are multiple ways you can help your vet during a veterinary visit for a happy and fruitful time, which we will discuss below.
Prepare Your Pet for Vet Visits
You can help your vet during a veterinary visit by preparing your pet for the vet visit. A stressed pet creates a stressful time for you, your pet, and your vet, but a relaxed pet will make the vet’s job easier and ease your mind. Train your pet not to fear the vet and have a positive association with the vet, and calm your pet as safely and healthily as possible.
Involve All Significant Parties in Your Pet’s Health
Who is in charge of your pet’s health? If you are a joint pet owner or taking your pet on behalf of another, involve all significant parties before giving the go-ahead on pet health decisions. Veterinarians want to have the pet owner’s informed consent!
Prepare Your Vet for Your Pet
Does your pet have problems the veterinarian should be aware of before giving it a check up or treatment? Does your pet have an anxiety problem or bite history? Please let the vet know and muzzle your pet beforehand if so!
Ask Your Vet Questions
Have you heard of a good pet diet option, a grooming technique, or a pet medication, but aren’t sure if it’s best for your pet? Don’t experiment. Ask your veterinarian for a second opinion before trying it out. That’s what we’re here for!
Take Good Care of Your Pet
Taking care of your pet’s health makes your vet’s life easier. It is in the simple things like taking your dog for walks, grooming its coat regularly, brushing its teeth daily, and giving it a fulfilling life.
Bring Applicable Pet Health Information
Does your pet have a health concern? Is it a recent phenomenon? The more data you can bring, such as records of when you noticed it, the symptoms, current medications, etc., the more your vet has to work with to help out your pet and you.
Please Be Understanding at the Pet Hospital
Your vet visit could end up having a longer waiting time than you expect. Reasons could be that there is limited staff, the staff are handling complex cases, or that they are handling emergency cases, which take precedence over non-emergencies. Please come prepared and understand if the wait is longer than normal.
Thanks for the Thanks!
Veterinarians love to receive words of thanks from their clients. Everhart Veterinary Medicine is thankful for all the treats and thanks that we have received over the years! We are grateful to serve you and your pets in Baltimore, Pasadena, and Cross Keys in Maryland!
Trust the Care of Your Pet to the Professionals at Everhart Veterinary Medicine!
At Everhart Veterinary Medicine, our veterinary professionals strive to provide your pet with the very best of veterinary care. We believe that the best care for your pet should be provided by experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable veterinary professionals. With three Maryland locations in Baltimore, Pasadena, and Cross Keys, we are always ready to welcome your pet as a new patient! Give us a call today at 410-355-3131, 410-793-7670, or 443-470-6790! For more information, as well as updates on veterinary news and topics, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!