Is your cat scared of the vet? Here are ways to help.
It is no secret that cats can be particularly averse to visiting the vet. Once the carrier comes out, all defenses are up. Few cats go to the vet’s office without the hissing, scratching, hiding, and yowling. Some may even defecate on the way. If your cat hates every aspect of visiting the vet, you are not alone. Even so, cat owners like you know how important it is to have regular check-ups. Though the road may not be easy, there are several tips for getting your cat to the vet more smoothly.
Cat vs. Carrier
The moment the cat carrier comes into view, your feline is on the run or ready to fight. How could you make this first harrowing step a little more palatable? Exposure. Keep the carrier around as a place to hide, play, and even sleep. Make the carrier a part of your furniture. Cats are most comfortable with what is familiar to them, so making the carrier a part of what they know to be home can help with their fear of the vet significantly. Also, make sure to buy the right kind of carrier. Hard models offer a top-loading feature for easily placing and picking up your cat from inside it.
Cat vs. Car
Once your cat gets into the carrier, it is time to face its second enemy: the car. Start slow and sit your cat in the carrier without going anywhere. Then, take longer and longer trips. One way to make the ride more comfortable is to use a pheromone spray in the carrier or car shortly beforehand. Include a blanket with the house smell on it and its favorite toy. If you have another cat, let him or her be your anxious cat’s companion.
Comfort In the Waiting Room
The presence and the smell of other animals and people can be highly stressful for your pet. If the situation is too intolerable, you may want to call to see if your vet can arrange an office for you to stay in and skip the lobby altogether. The more riled up your cat is, the more important it is that you visit a cat-friendly veterinary practice so that the vet and team will know how to handle the case. However, a towel or piece of clothing with your house smell on it, covering the carrier, can stifle the smell of the foreign vet’s office, and offer consolation for your feline.
Comfort At the Vet
To get your cat used to regular check-ups, practice at home by handling your cat yourself. The more used to it your cat is, the better. Keeping your cat on its towel from home can help too. If necessary, sedation can be a huge help. Just be sure to take care of your cat as he or she recovers.
Trust the Care of Your Pet to the Professionals at Everhart Veterinary Medicine!
At Everhart Veterinary Medicine, our veterinary professionals strive to provide your pet with the very best of veterinary care. We believe that the best care for your pet should be provided by experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable veterinary professionals. With two Maryland locations in both Baltimore and Pasadena, we are always ready to welcome your pet as a new patient! Give us a call today at 410-355-3131 or 410-793-7670! For more information, as well as updates on veterinary news and topics, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest!