Dog socialization is an important part of training.
Whether your dog is old or young, it is never too late to learn how to socialize. Socialization helps your pet become a stellar canine citizen and can be much easier, more enjoyable, and rewarding than one might set out to expect. For tips on socializing dogs, read on below!
Daily Walks
Your pet’s daily exercise is often a rich source of socialization. Your dog has a chance to experience different sights, smells, and sounds outside of its home and more practice getting used to all these different things. It’s also a chance to meet other pets and people, which could lead to friendship!
Diverse Groups and Settings
Make sure your pet gets to see a wide range of groups and settings throughout its socialization training. If your dog lives with you alone or with you and your family alone, it could become wary of anyone else that is not you or the others it lives with. Socialization includes exposure to men, women, children, dogs, cats, and critters. Getting used to vehicles, cities, parks, rural areas, and other settings are also key.
Doggy School
If you lead a very busy lifestyle and need someone else to help socialize your dog, you could consider enrolling your pet in a canine socialization class. With this option, you can leave your pet in the hands of trained professionals who can help your pet be the upstanding citizen it can be, all while meeting other dogs and people in a controlled environment. You can ask your vet what kind of group might be the best fit for your dog!
Cues & Caution
While socializing dogs will always involve purposeful trips to meet and see new people, pets, and things, one should also use caution and common sense in all interactions. Sense whether the dog you are approaching is friendly or not, and sense when your pet is willing to meet new people and when it is done. It is best to keep meetings natural and brief.
Rewards for Good Behavior
If your pet gets too excited or exhibits unwanted behavior, never scold your pet. Instead, you will soothe an overanxious dog or practice proper techniques in stopping aggressive behavior. Reward your pet during socialization when it has a good interaction with a high-value treat to booster its great behavior!
Trust the Care of Your Pet to the Professionals at Everhart Veterinary Medicine!
At Everhart Veterinary Medicine, our veterinary professionals strive to provide your pet with the very best of veterinary care. We believe that the best care for your pet should be provided by experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable veterinary professionals. With two Maryland locations in both Baltimore and Pasadena, we are always ready to welcome your pet as a new patient! Give us a call today at 410-355-3131 or 410-793-7670! For more information, as well as updates on veterinary news and topics, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!