Make your pets a part of the new school year schedule with this advice!
It’s back-to-school season! If you are taking part in this year’s new school year, then you are likely taking care of preparatory chores and the new routine. During this busy time, you don’t want to forget your pet’s needs. These back-to-school pet safety tips will help you remember your pet’s health as well as your child’s.
Keep Backpacks Out of Reach of Pets
Backpacks tend to fall where they may when kids return from school. The trouble is that there could be a real risk of your pets getting into them, especially if they are curious and have a problem with eating things they shouldn’t. Even if your pet is well-trained, it is safer to store backpacks out of reach of pets when you come home.
Be Careful about Kids’ Snacks
Kids’ snacks can be toxic to pets. A great pet parent should be aware of the human foods that dogs, cats, and other pets cannot eat. At minimum, it could lead to an upset stomach, but at worst, it could lead to death. Be sure to keep kids’ snacks like raisins, grapes, chocolate, and other foods safe from your pet.
Keep up Your Pet’s Routine
Like people, pets thrive off of having a routine. If one person in the house walks the dog every day at a certain time, it is best to keep up this schedule as much as possible. While you do not have to be completely strict about operating like clockwork, keeping up some regularity will help you and your pet to thrive in the school year.
Spend Time with Your Pet
It can be easy to forget your pet in the midst of the new school season. Even with work, homework, and drives to and from extracurricular activities, there should always be time to spend with your pet. Your pet will appreciate it and might prevent it from forming destructive habits.
Supervise Your Pet with Young Children
If you have very young children or are walking your dog around young children, be sure to supervise interactions so that both parties stay safe. Accidental injuries can happen to pets or young children.
Secure a Pet-Proofed Place for Your Pet
When you cannot supervise your pet, it’s a good idea to crate-train your pet or to have a designated pet-proof room for it when you are away.
Have an Emergency Vet Contact
It’s best to be prepared! Have your vet’s emergency contact information on hand in case anything ever happens.
Trust the Care of Your Pet to the Professionals at Everhart Veterinary Medicine!
At Everhart Veterinary Medicine, our veterinary professionals strive to provide your pet with the very best of veterinary care. We believe that the best care for your pet should be provided by experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable veterinary professionals. With three Maryland locations in Baltimore, Pasadena, and Cross Keys, we are always ready to welcome your pet as a new patient! Give us a call today at 410-355-3131, 410-793-7670, or 443-470-6790! For more information, as well as updates on veterinary news and topics, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!